रविवार, दिसंबर 20, 2009

The Jaina Doctrine of Karma and The Science of Genetics :- Dr Sohan Raj Tater


The Science of Karma | What is karma? | Theory of karma in Indian philosophies | Metaphysical base of theory of karma --
Life in the Science of Karma | Characteristic of living substance | Birth of life in Jainism | Jaina view of paryap¯ tiand pran¯ ?a -- Classification of Karma | Main Types (mul¯aprakr?ti) of karma in Jainism | Auspicious and Inauspicious Karma | Darvya and BhaV¯ a Karma | Sub Groups (Uttaraprakr?ti) of eight main karmas-- Bondage of Karma | Causes of Bondage | Components of bondage process | Pun?ya and pap¯ a | Relation with bondage and les´ya --
Fruition of Karma | Process of energy during rise of karma | Pun?ya and pap¯ a | 42 Types fruits of auspicious karma 80 Types fruits of inauspicious karma -- Eradication of Karma |
Sanvara | Nirjara ¯| Caritra | MahaV¯ ratas | Anuvratas | Triple Jewels—the pathway to emancipation -- Science of Genetics | An introduction to the science of Genetics | Characteristics of genes | Characteristic of Genome -- Life in the Science of Genetics | Characteristics of living being | Organization of the cell | Characteristics of chromosomes - - Genetic Codes in DNA and RNA | DNA | RNA | RNA—The Process of Transcription | Genetic Codes | Classification of Genes -- Gene Mutation | Factors causing mutations | Genes and diseases | Role of faulty genes in
chromosomes -- Genetic Engineering | Genetic Engineering and its application | Impact of Genetic Engineering | Preventive and social measures --
Comparative Study of Karma and the Science of the Genetics | Corelation between karma and genes | Effect of karma over genes | Spirituality (combination of spirit and karma s´arir¯a) and genes | Life and genes | Classification of karma and genes | Function of genes on all 24 chromosomes | Role of genes in behavioural responses/personality | Karma and Genes | arma and genetic engineering.

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